We came across an article, “10 reasons why SMEs Should Go Digital” from Export News that made some great points we wanted to share!

As your Local Global Digital Agency, we have mastered the digital space and see the benefits of being a virtually fluent business each and every day. The opportunities that arise for all businesses, but especially Small & Medium Enterprises (SME’s) are substantial, and we have been a part of it first-hand through our clients.

Here is an overview of the great points brought up in the article!


  1. Reduce Cost and Save Time
    Digital marketing allows you to target your audience and demographic specifically through ads and search engines. Upkeep of your website is efficient and relatively simple, allowing new and returning customers 24/7 access to your products and information about your business.


  1. Ability to Raise Capital
    Attract investment online through platforms that fund various types of products and initiatives. Here are just a few:
  • Kickstarter
  • Indiegogo
  • Rocket Hub


  1. Build a Community
    One of the best, and most basic forms of marketing is word of mouth- your clients can be your best advocates! They can engage with one another and spread messages online, leaving reviews that bring in new customers and create a community of people who love your product or service.


  1. Take Advantage of Mobile
    Did you know almost half the people who access the internet do so with their mobile devices? Ensuring your website is mobile-friendly, or even going as far as designing an app could skyrocket your visibility and lead generation.


  1. Manage Recruitment
    Finding the right team for your business is crucial for your success. Sites like LinkedIn and ZipRecruiter make it easy to search for applicants and have your job postings seen by a wide audience.


  1. Branding
    Perfecting and enhancing your brand is a lot easier when you are able to maintain a consistent tone/voice, post regular blog updates, and engage in social media posts, giving customers a reason to keep returning to your website.


  1. Explore your Analytics
    Analytics and data are another critical aspect of growing your business in the digital space. They offer invaluable insights into how you may be able to pivot your marketing strategy to better communicate with your target audience. Google Analytics is an example of a great tool for this.


  1. Find New Customers
    Taking advantage of eCommerce is a key way to expand your market, and target new customers who would otherwise be unaware of your business. The internet is how you find your niche customers, in other words, the customers who will account for most of your growth because they are most suited for your product or service.


  1. Create Online Partnerships
    In addition to making connections with new customers, you can also use your digital platform to find other businesses and create partnerships. Having an online presence makes it easier for new companies to discover and engage with you.


  1. Expand your Growth with International Trade Hubs
    International online marketplaces are a great way to expand and grow your SME. Search for global hubs where you’ll find import/export businesses, manufacturers, and logistics companies that you can work with.


We hope these points helped you to better understand the benefits of shifting your business to a digital platform! In this day and age, all business owners and entrepreneurs looking to make an impact take advantage of the opportunities offered in the digital space, if you’re not sure where to start, we are well versed in transitioning businesses from “brick and mortar to click and order”. If you’re looking to go virtual, visit VGC UNIVERSITY or SCHEDULE A CALL